These Whole Wheat Zucchini Herb Rolls can be made Vegetarian or Vegan but don’t let that keep you from serving them with your most hearty (or meaty) meal!
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged a recipe. My sincerest apologies! We’re moving over to OUR NEW WEBSITE and I’m a bit more disheveled than usual. But summer is really upon us and zucchini are usually prolific growers so I had to do something with the ones we had that were about to go bad.
Typical zucchini bread is a sweet, batter bread that is akin to banana bread. My more savory version is meant to be a highlight to a meal rather than a sweet snack. I hope you enJOY!
- 1/2 Cup warm water (between 100 -114 degrees)
- 2 TBS Honey (Vegan – use Evaporated Cane Juice/Crystals)
- 1 TBS Olive Oil
- 1 1/2 tsp Instant Yeast
- 3/4 Cup Shredded Raw Zucchini
- 2 3/4 Cup Freshly Milled Hard White Wheat Flour
- 1/2 tsp Dried Italian Herbs
- 2 tsp Sesame Seeds (divided – using 1 tsp each)
- 1/2 tsp Sea Salt
- 1/4 tsp Garlic Powder
After milling your flour (I use the Wondermill) gather all your ingredients to make sure you have enough of everything before you begin.
You may use a bread machine for this entire recipe by simply putting the ingredients into the pan in the order listed. Turn on to dough setting. Then when finished remove and shape as below.
For the sake of how I made these (gotta match the pictures) and for those who love the ‘by hand’ method….here are more instructions:
1) Combine the first three (3) ingredients into a bowl or in my case, I’m using the WonderMix.
2) Stir until well combined. Now add the 1 1/2 tsp of Instant Yeast. (be sure the water is lower than 115 degrees to avoid killing the yeast). There is no need to ‘proof’ this because it’s instant yeast so let’s move on.
4) Stir in all the shredded Zucchini
5) Now turn on machine (or by hand) stir in one cup of flour at a time…
6) After at least the first cup of flour (but don’t wait until after all the flour) add the Sea Salt, Garlic Powder, Dried Herbs and one (1) tsp of the Sesame Seeds.
7) Finish adding flour until ready to knead.
8) Knead by hand or by WonderMix. for a minimum of 10 minutes or until gluten has formed to make the dough very springy when poked.
9) When finished place in a bowl and a warm (80 degree) location and allow to rise until doubled.
10) After rising until doubled (approximately 30 minutes at that warm temp) knock out all large bubbles and begin to shape into oblong rolls. Pinching the under belly of the roll to keep the ugly side (and seems) down onto the pan.
11) Arrange them side by side, almost touching, in a low metal pan that has been sprayed or greased.
12) Brush with an egg wash (Vegan option use Aquafaba or Flax seed gel) and sprinkle with remaining Sesame seeds and other optional herbs (I added some dried chives).
13) Allow to rise until all sides touch.
14) Par bake in a low 250 degree oven for 30 minutes. Our house was hot so I par baked mine in the All American Sun Oven.
15) Remove to cool completely on a wire wrack. Then bag and freeze for warming in the future!
The reason we bake these low and then freeze them is because the recipe makes so many. This allows us to break off what we need and lightly toast/reheat them in the oven just as dinner is finishing. Like the ‘brown and serve’ dinner rolls that are made of junk you can get ready made at the store.
These are better, and can be used the same exact way!
I hope you’ll give this a try! If you do or you make any variations to this recipe, I’d love to hear how it all turns out! Please leave a comment below…
Until next time…
Best Blessings!
No yeast? No problem! Go Wild! Whole Wheat Bread with Wild Yeast!
I’m often asked what to do if there isn’t any yeast available to buy or you run out in your food storage. Well the fix is simply to revert to using whole foods and capturing wild yeast.
The process takes a bit longer (ok days longer) but it can be done with very good results. Here’s how to cultivate the wild yeast and a recipe to try your own wild yeast.
This is a 5 -7 day process. Did I say it took a good bit longer? That’s an understatement.
In a glass jar with a lid, that is large enough to contain a pint – put 1/4 Cup of Organic Raisins and 1. 5 Cups of water.
Screw the lid on the top and place in a moderately warm area of the kitchen. I keep mine beside the refrigerator.
Two or three times today (Day 1) swirl the raisins around to loosen them. Each time taking off the lid and replacing to allow some fresh air in.
Repeat this swirling and refreshing and visiting of these little ‘yeast seedlings’ called raisins for the next 2-3 days. Each time giving them a swirl, a breather and replace the lid.
By Day 2 or 3: You should see the water has turned a deep tea color and some of the raisins are floating! YAY! You’re doing it right!
This is not an exact science though, so don’t be dismayed if yours doesn’t look quite like this. It will get there soon.
Keep the raisins in the water for up to 4 days or until most of the raisins are re-hydrated and floating. They will resemble brown mini-grapes.
Now you’re ready to move to the next phase!
Before doing this next step – take the lid off of this concoction and take a good sniff. 🙂 There should be a slight fermented scent if not a strong one. If you don’t smell it AND if most of the raisins are not floating – you will need to start over. This time leaving the lid off of the jar (replacing with a napkin or coffee filter) for part of the day each day to allow more airborne yeast to make it’s way into the mix. Put these raisins (that didn’t work) in some oatmeal or something.
Now. The next phase of cultivating your wild yeast.
Strain the liquid out into a new clean jar that is capable of holding a quart. Re-purpose the raisins in another recipe. Don’t be tempted to use them again for cultivating yeast; they won’t work as well the second time. I know. I tried. :/
Another 2-3 days of waiting, watching, swirling, lid-lifting and sniffing are ahead. Yes, you read that right. But the good news is – when you begin to see bubbles that stay on the top (they’re there when you wake in the morning) then it’s time to use the liquid gold wild yeast! FINALLY! Right?
Note – Be prepared to begin baking this bread in the next 12-24 hours before you select the time to start this next phase. You have another day or so that the liquid yeast can wait.
Thoroughly mix 1 Cup of Hard White Wheat Flour (that you’ve freshly milled in your Wondermill ) into the jar of liquid gold wild yeast, cover with a napkin or coffee filter and…. yes, wait. Wait between 12-24 hours for the mixture in the jar to make a sponge as the yeast begins to consume the flour making wonderful bubbles!
Ready? Set? Let’s make this bread already!
- Your bubbly mixture of wild yeast and flour
- 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
- 1/4 Cup Organic Sugar
- 2 ½ Cups of Freshly Milled HARD (red or white) Flour
- ¼ Cup Gluten
- ½ teaspoon Sea Salt
For Bread Machine: Put ingredients in in order given and set to ‘Dough Setting’ and be just a little more patient. After which jump down to the double asterisks below. **
By Hand or with the WonderMix Deluxe: Mix the wild yeast and flour mixture, oil, sugar together in your mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, mix all your dry ingredients (flour, gluten, and salt).
Slowly add dry to the liquid stirring until too hard to use a spoon, then start the hand kneading process (or if in the WonderMix Deluxe – start with the dough hook and just keep it going!)
Knead (by hand or by hook) minimum 10 minutes (remember this yeast is a little more dormant and the water is not as warm as usual) – up to 15 minutes – until dough feels elastic and looks somewhat satin.
Cover bowl with a clean cloth towel.
Let dough rise once in the bowl in semi warm place (approximately 85 degrees) approximately 30 minutes or until double the size it started.
LIGHTLY punch it down to get all the air out after it rose the first time.
**All above steps are usually done on ‘Dough Setting’ of your bread machine.
Turn out onto an OILED (not floured – it makes it heavy and dense) surface.
Shape as a loaf or other bread item you would make (buns, rolls, etc) and let rise in the baking pan until it has doubled in size. Remember, this will take a bit longer – the loaf is not warm and the yeast is wild…so be patient but don’t wait too long or it will collapse! Watch the size to double!
During the last few minutes of rising, just before doubling, preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Place loaf in center of 375 degree oven and AS you shut the door – lower the heat to 350! This little extra punch of heat at the beginning will help the loaf to peak.
Bake 18-22 minutes on 350 or until the loaf taps like it’s hollow.
Cool on wire rack and store in airtight bag.
Wait at least 10 minutes before attempting to slice.
Use a serrated knife for best results in cutting.
ENJOY and never worry about running out of yeast again!
Best Blessings,
Donna Miller
Special End Note – Wild yeast can be cultivated with almost any dried fruit but raisins tend to work the best and lend the most consistent results. Play with your food and find out what works for you.
For free whole grain recipes emailed to you each month, please consider signing up for my Newsletter Here
Between the cost of a chain coffee shop frappe, the crud that is allowed to be put in one at any and all coffee shops, and the calories (a small size frappe has a range of 450-700 calories) found with a fast food frappe – it’s no surprise that the Food Holiday of “National Frappe Day” (Oct 7) may just pass you by. Then again, for 4 out of 5 people a frappe is almost an addictive indulgence and October 7 is just like every other day of the year!
If you enjoy these, let me share some things with you to save both your money and your health on this holiday or any day of the year that the frappe craving may hit.
On average most commercial frappe’s you purchase will contain one or more of the following very unhealthy ingredients:
Uhm… ewww.
Here’s how you can avoid all of the above chemicals and artificial ingredients and enjoy a Frappe the Healthy Way! By the way – on a side note: Don’t be duped into thinking that those ‘coffee syrups’ are a singular or healthy ingredient option. They are neither.
First – select your coffee. This is very easy if you’re a morning coffee drinker (decaf or fully leaded – both work fine) simply make a few cups more and let it cool. When cooled you can either freeze in ice cubes (for a frozen frappe) or pour in a jar and refrigerate (for a frappe on ice).
Frappe on Ice:
8 oz of Cold Coffee 3TBS Fat Free Cream or Skim Milk (Almond or Coconut Milk works too) 1 tsp Pure Extract (Vanilla, Hazelnut, Peppermint, etc – endless options!) 1-2 dashes* of Spice (Pumpkin Pie, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, etc – endless options!) * For a Mocha use 2tsp of Cocoa Powder as the spice. Sweeten to taste with stevia or natural cane sugar Blend all ingredients together until well mixed and pour over ice cubes. Top with REAL Whipped Cream if desired add a straw and sit back and enjoy!Frozen Frappe:
2 Cups of Frozen Coffee Cubes 3TBS Fat Free Cream or Skim Milk (Almond or Coconut Milk works too) 1 tsp Pure Extract (Vanilla, Hazelnut, Peppermint, etc – endless options!) 1-2 dashes* of Spice (Pumpkin Pie, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, etc – endless options!) * For a Mocha use 2tsp of Cocoa Powder as the spice. Sweeten to taste with stevia or natural cane sugar Blend all ingredients together in a blender (may need to add 2-3 TBS of water to thin) until a frosty mixture is combined to the right consistency. Pour in a tall glass. Top with REAL Whipped Cream if desired add a straw and sit back and enjoy!
These may seem simplistic – but the pay out of enjoying real food at a real reasonable price can help you enjoy a little indulgence without feeling the guilt of it all later! After all, playing with your food helps you to enJOY the journey!
Happy National Frappe (the Healthy Way) Day! Best Blessings, Donna Miller of Millers Grain House
Partially due to my Native heritage and partially due to the fact that June 27 is National Indian Pudding Day, I just had to dive in to making this today and wanted to share it with you.
This was a great new taste! I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was so easy! I will admit though, that being a warm pudding and using these particular flavors, I will be adding this dessert to our Thanksgiving menu. I’m not sure why the National Food Holiday for this one falls in June anyway? I’d be glad to hear from you if you know…so please feel free to leave a comment below.
Hope you enjoy!
For daily updates of what food holidays there are (every single day of the year) please visit and ‘like’ my Facebook Page.
- 3.5 c. milk (or use almond or coconut milk for dairy free option)
- 1/2 c. freshly milled cornmeal
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 3 eggs
- 1/4 c. light brown sugar (or succanant)
- 1/3 c. molasses
- 2 tbsp. butter (or use coconut oil to make dairy free)
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/8 tsp. allspice
- 1/6 tsp. ginger
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2/3 cup chopped dates or chopped raisins
- After assembling all ingredients and before starting the actual mixing lightly grease crock-pot. We like to use coconut oil for this.
- Preheat it empty on high for 20 minutes while you’re doing the next steps.
- Meanwhile bring milk or nut-milk, cornmeal and salt to a low boil. Boil, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes.
- Cover and simmer on very low an additional 10 minutes stirring occasionally to make sure it doesn’t stick. The mixture will become thick.
- In a large bowl, combine eggs, brown sugar, molasses, vanilla, butter or coconut oil, and spices. Mix all together until well blended.
- Temper this mixture by spooning in and well incorporating about 1/4 cup of the hot cornmeal. Do this step twice to increase the temperature of the egg/spice mixture.
- Now gradually beat the tempered egg/spice mixture into hot cornmeal mixture; whisk until smooth.
- Stir in raisins or finely chopped dates. Pour into your pre-heated/oiled crock and cook on high for 2 to 3 hours or low* for 6 to 8 hours.
Other tips and topics to this recipe:
Grind the corn (popping corn works too) on the coarse setting in the Wondermill.
Be sure to stir continually because dairy and nut milks will stick and are easily scorched at the bottom of the pan.
Pudding will produce a skin on the top, but it works into the pudding just fine with no affect of the texture.
If you try this and/or tweak this recipe for Indian Puddling – I’d sure love to hear how it came out for you! Please share in the comments below.
Thank you and Best Blessings,
* See this blog post if you have issues with your low setting on your crock pot being still too high.
“Light bulb” moments and “happy accidents” are my favorite things. (: Let me share one with you… and it comes in the form of a recipe.
One night I made double my regular Whole Wheat Pizza Crust as if I were feeding the whole army of Millers (don’t know what got into me, I guess I was waxing nostalgic thinking I had little kids at home…but I digress)… then I realized that only two of us were going to eat that night and we had a road trip the next day!
Typically I would make the extra pizza crust and freeze it (in a turkey basting bag – because they’re huge)…but this time I thought I should make some snacks for the road from the crust. And boy did these Whole Wheat Bread-sticks with a Twist hit the spot! Portable and filling!
So I share this happy accident with you!
Hope you enJOY, get creative and keep playing with your food!
Best Blessings,
Donna Miller of Millers Grain House
After making the pizza crust. Roll out dough in a rectangular(ish) shape and begin the creative process. To avoid too ‘gooey’ of a bread stick you won’t want to use much sauce or liquid toppings, but as the example below shows we made one half has Parmesan, mozzarella, peperoni and oregano. The other half has pesto, olives, feta and some dried onion flakes.
Then we used the pizza cutter to cut into strips.
After we cut the strips (and made garlic knots out of the ends that were missed with the toppings), we folded the good stuff inside, lengthwise and then gave each bread-stick dough a little twist while putting it on the cookie sheet. See the pesto, olive bread- stick below:
Bake these Whole Wheat Bread-sticks with a Twist on cookie sheets at 350 degrees F. For about 15-18 minutes and cooled on a wire rack before bagging.
These are great served warm (of course we had to taste test them!) or once completely cooled can pack in a baggie for an easy take-along snack.
Please visit Millers Grain House for your kitchen needs.
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If you can make a pizza crust -you can easily use the crust to make a calzone to change up the typical pizza and still enjoy an easy whole grain Italian meal!
Whole Wheat Calzones
Whole Wheat Pizza Crusts
Makes two 16 inch pizza crusts
- 1 ½ Cups Warm Water
- 4 TBS Organic Evaporated Cane Crystals
- 2 TBS Olive Oil
- 4 Cups Freshly Milled Hard Wheat Flour
- 1 tsp Garlic Salt
- ½ tsp Onion Salt
- 1 ½ tsp Instant Active Yeast
Bread Machine Method:
Place all ingredients in the machine in order given. Make a ‘well’ for the yeast and put in the ‘well’. Set to dough or pizza dough setting. Machine should punch down after first rise.
Food Processor Method:
Use ‘S’ Blade. Place all dry ingredients in the food processor. Turn to pulsing while drizzling in the oil. Stop when mixed in. Now turn on and leave on drizzling in the water until dough forms a ‘ball’. Let ‘ball’ clean the sides and round the bowl between 20-25 times.
Place in greased bowl, cover and put in a warm place (85 degrees) until doubled in size.
Mixer & Hand Methods:
Mix yeast in with the flour and set aside. Mix all other ingredients in a large bowl until blended. Mix one cup of flour mixture in at a time until all incorporated. Knead 3-5 minutes until 2 finger poke test bounces back quickly.
Place in greased bowl, cover and put in a warm place (85 degrees) until doubled in size.
Divide dough in to 2 (for large) or 4 (for small) balls of dough. Roll each out on to a floured surface and fill the center with a combination of cheeses: Ricotta, Mozzarella, Provolone and extra goodies such as mushrooms, peppers, pepperonis, cooked ground sausage (we like turkey sausage), onions (go light they get watery) and more. The possibilities are almost endless.
Fold one side over the other (stuffing in the middle will move) and turn up the edges and seal with a fork. Prick a few holes in the top for steam to escape.
Place on a cookie sheet or pyrex dish and brush a light egg wash.
Bake at 375F until golden brown. Remove to cool for just a little bit so no one gets burned cutting into the gooey goodies inside the tasty pockets!
For more fun ideas in the kitchen, subscribe to Millers Grain House YouTube Channel
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Best Blessings and enJOY the journey!
If you can make a pizza crust -you can easily use the crust to make a calzone and put a twist on an Italian meal!
Whole Wheat Pizza Crusts
Makes two 16 inch pizza crusts
- 1 ½ Cups Warm Water
- 4 TBS Organic Evaporated Cane Crystals
- 2 TBS Olive Oil
- 4 Cups Freshly Milled Hard Wheat Flour
- 1 tsp Garlic Salt
- ½ tsp Onion Salt
- 1 ½ tsp Instant Active Yeast
Bread Machine Method:
Place all ingredients in the machine in order given. Make a ‘well’ for the yeast and put in the ‘well’. Set to dough or pizza dough setting. Machine should punch down after first rise.
Food Processor Method:
Use ‘S’ Blade. Place all dry ingredients in the food processor. Turn to pulsing while drizzling in the oil. Stop when mixed in. Now turn on and leave on drizzling in the water until dough forms a ‘ball’. Let ‘ball’ clean the sides and round the bowl between 20-25 times.
Place in greased bowl, cover and put in a warm place (85 degrees) until doubled in size.
Mixer & Hand Methods:
Mix yeast in with the flour and set aside. Mix all other ingredients in a large bowl until blended. Mix one cup of flour mixture in at a time until all incorporated. Knead 3-5 minutes until 2 finger poke test bounces back quickly.
Place in greased bowl, cover and put in a warm place (85 degrees) until doubled in size.
Divide dough in to 2 (for large) or 4 (for small) balls of dough. Roll each out on to a floured surface and fill the center with a combination of cheeses: Ricotta, Mozzarella, Provolone and extra goodies such as mushrooms, peppers, pepperonis, cooked ground sausage (we like turkey sausage), onions (go light they get watery) and more. The possibilities are almost endless.
Fold one side over the other (stuffing in the middle will move) and turn up the edges and seal with a fork. Prick a few holes in the top for steam to escape.
Place on a cookie sheet or pyrex dish and brush a light egg wash.
Bake at 375F until golden brown. Remove to cool for just a little bit so no one gets burned cutting into the gooey goodies inside the tasty pockets!
– See more at:
The only regret with respect to this blog entry is that I did not snap a photo quickly enough of the Easy Whole Grain Fruit Cobbler (in this case blueberry) prior to it being devoured and the visual appeal was essentially destroyed.
Oh well, the photo does show that it was an apparent favorite! I guess that counts for something, right? (:
The girls went to an Organic You-Pick Blueberry Orchard the other day and came home with two large bags of fresh, organic blueberries! Our favorite!
Often we make this tasty dessert from fresh fruit. However, we have additionally made it with pie filling from a can. Regardless of the fruit filling of choice, what truly “makes it” is the freshly milled flour and whole grain topping.
As with all my recipes the flour called for is freshly milled flour.
Since this recipe does not require a lot of flour, the gray storage container lid for the Wondermill helps keep even the smaller portion of left-over whole grain flour fresh for weeks in the freezer after milling .
As date of this post the Wondermill is on sale with free shipping.
Click here to see the savings.
Whole Grain Fruit Cobbler
- 3 Cups of sliced fresh fruits (berries, apples, or pit fruits are best)
- Option – 2 Cans Fruit Pie Filling of choice*
- 2 TBS Arrow Root Powder *omit if using canned
- 2 TBS Organic Evaporated Cane Crystals *omit if canned
- 2 Cups Organic Whole Rolled Oats
- 1/2 Cup Freshly Milled Organic Whole Wheat Flour
- 1/2 Cup Organic Evaporated Cane Crystals
- 1/4 Cup Sucanant (may substitute Brown Sugar)
- 4 TBS softened butter
- 2 tsp vanilla
9 X 13 baking dish
Coat baking dish with either butter or non-stick spray.
In a large bowl cut up fruit to equal 3 cups (may mix and try fruit combinations). Add Corn Starch and 2TBS Cane Crystals, toss to coat. Pour out into baking dish. If using canned pie filling, simply empty cans into the baking dish.
In a clean large bowl, mix Oats, remaining Cane Crystals, Sucanant and Whole Wheat flour until combined, Cut in butter then add vanilla until combined.
Pour on top of fruit mixture (but do not pat down) to cover.
Bake at 350 degrees until top is crispy and fruit is bubbly. Remove from oven and let cook for about 10 minutes so topping gets more solid (and you don’t burn your mouth!)
Top with frozen yogurt or REAL whipped cream.
What a great way to get more whole grains into your family’s diet. They’ll LOVE this dessert and you won’t feel bad about sharing this with them!
Please leave a comment if you try this recipe – and let me know what is your favorite fruit to use in it!
Until next time…
Keep playing with your food and enJOY the journey!
This Gluten Free: Easy Millet & Veggie Salad is a great summer treat.
Commonly used in gluten free diets, I’ve found this grain is even more versatile when used whole rather than milled into flour. I like the simplicity of it and the texture. It rivals the texture of couscous (which is not a grain at all but a small durum wheat pasta) holding it’s form and shape well even after over cooking. It is an excellent option to replace rice and other whole grain side dishes.
For those warm summer nights and easy summer lunches, this recipe is both filling and cool to keep the kitchen from becoming a hot spot.
First be sure you are using food grade millet. Be sure it is fit for human consumption and not bird seed.
To cook basic, plain millet:
Rinse and drain 1 cup of millet. Set aside. In a medium saucepan, bring 2 1/2 cups water and the 1 cup millet to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook 15 minutes, much like rice until liquid absorbs. Remove from heat and let sit covered with a towel for 3-5 more minutes. This will be approximately 2.5 Cups in volume when done.
Once the millet is cooked and cooled, the opportunities for use are almost endless…
This easy recipe is my very favorite millet recipes used as a side, as a quick lunch or rolled in Nori as veggie sushi:
Millet and Veggie Salad
1.5 Cups Cooked Organic Millet
1/4 Cup Cubed Cucumbers
1/4 Cup Diced Onions (red, scallions or white)
1/4 Cup Frozen Peas/Carrots
3 TBS Low fat Italian Dressing
1/4 Cup cooked Organic Black Beans (pictured above – making this a complete meal with protein)
1/2 an Avocado Cubed*
1/4 Cup Cubed Tomato**
Mix all together in a large bowl or a container that can be covered and refrigerated for several hours. Overnight is best.
Serve chilled.
Lasts for almost a week in the fridge.
*Avocados added separately before serving, due to oxidation.
**Add Tomato separately upon serving due to easily spoiled.
This is one of the tastiest and easiest recipes that will make you wish you’d never used a box-mix (with all it’s creepy ingredients). Hands down this is one of my favorite uses for milled popcorn (:
Here is the recipe but also below that is a video for the recipe. Look for more blogs and videos coming soon about other ways to use popping corn!
Makes 8-9 servings
Dry Grains you need to mill:
Mill separately – should make amount of flours below.
1/2 C of Dried Corn OR Pop Corn
1/2 C of Soft White Wheat Grain
List of Ingredients:
- 3/4 C corn meal
- 3/4 C wheat flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 1/2 tsp baking powder
- up to 1/4 C sugar/succanat
- 3 TBS butter
- 3/4 C butter milk
- 1 egg
Mix together all these dry ingredients first:
- 3/4 C corn meal
- 3/4 C wheat flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 1/2 tsp baking powder
- up to 1/4 C sugar/succanat
Stir together all dry.
Preheat oven to 425 with 3 TBS butter in a 10-12 inch iron skillet or 8×8 Pyrex dish inside oven.
You will need to watch this and move fast….
Make a ‘well’ in the middle of dry mix to add:
- 3/4 C butter milk
- 1 egg
Mix ingredients until just blended….BARELY…
NOW – take the pan out of the oven and pour the melted butter into the buttermilk. Be sure to leave enough butter in the pan to keep it well coated. Mix ingredients again until just blended a bit more and quickly pour into hot buttered pan.
Replace in oven on middle rack for about 20-25 minutes.
Slice within the pan and serve with butter, honey or molasses.
Add one can of drained corn or 1C frozen. Or add diced jalapenos, tomatoes, corn and/or onions for a Mexican Cornbread.
Although often asked about my heritage – I do not have any Hispanic blood in my ancestry. Odd thing is, based on our favorite foods – you might think so. (:
So it is with this thought in mind I share one of my favorite versatile South of the Border foods. The tortilla! Of course I’m going to make it whole grain and with healthy oils so we can enjoy them more often. I’ve also included with this recipe is a video I made to make it easier to follow along…and a bonus idea at the very bottom to make this an even more versatile recipe. I hope you enjoy!
Makes 8-12 servings
Dry Grains you need to mill:
1.5 Cups Hard Wheat (Red or White)
You may wish to use 3/4 hard and 3/4 soft wheat
‘Special’ Items Needed:
- Griddle, Large Sauce Pan or Electric Tortilla press
- Rolling pin (unless you have a Tortilla press)
- Plastic Wrap
List of Ingredients:
- 1 Cup Warm Water (you may not use it all)
- 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1/4 tsp Baking Powder
- 2.5 Cups Freshly Milled Flour
Using fork or wire whisk, combine all dry ingredients in a medium bowl. Then drizzle the oil over top whisking in to mix to make small crumbles.
Now, with a spoon/spatula, slowly mix in warm water by drizzling in from down the side of the bowl while mixing. Combine enough water until mixture is moister than a yeast bread but drier than a muffin mix. When it pulls from the side of the bowl while mixing it should be ready. Turn the slightly tacky/sticky dough out on to plastic wrap and seal. Place in fridge for 10 -30 minutes.
Remove the dough and divide it into even size dough balls. Slightly flatten to hockey puck shape. Starting from the fist one you shaped/handled….work your way through them in this order (odd yes, but the extra ‘sit’ time helps them form).
Use Tortilla press if you have it per manufacturer instructions.
If you don’t have a press, then roll out each tortilla while griddle or sauce pan are pre-heating to med-low heat. When we roll these out we call them “American State Tortillas” – because some look like SC, or VA some are the shape of CA… but they all taste and wrap great anyway!
As each one is thin to your liking, flip onto a lightly greased griddle or sauce pan for a minute to two per side. You can get pretty good at this as you flip one roll another, remove and replace. You’ll have 8-12 of these done in no time.
Store in the refrigerator with a half of a paper towel between each in a zip lock bag for up to two weeks.
Bonus Recipe Idea:
Add a couple TBS of Organic Cane Juice Crystals and a dash or two of cinnamon to the dry mix. Sweet Tortillas to roll up fruits and cream cheese for a quick dessert or breakfast.
For more recipes, encouragement and tips – please Join Our Newsletter – we would love to keep in touch!
Best Blessings!
Donna Miller